Jelly Surprise

1 pack jelly mixed with 225 ml hot water and 225 ml cold water
1 box ultramel
1 can slices peaches
4 crushed tennis biscuits
100 ml whipped cream
Strawberries to garnish
Choc chips and almonds to garnish


  1. Set your Jelly in a glass about 1/4 and slant in a muffin pan and refrigerate until set
  2. Add ultramel in your glass of jelly until the sort of even and level
  3. Slice 4 thick pieces of Madeira cake and use an empty glass same size as using for you trifle and cut a circular cake
  4. Lay cake in glass on top of custard and jelly, then add 1 tbspn of liquid from canned peaches
  5. Add 2 sliced peaches on top of cake forming a circle
  6. Add 1 tspn of crushed biscuit and add 1 tsp of liquid from canned peaches
  7. Top off with 1 full tsp on whipped cream and level it out
  8. Add strawberries, choc chips, almonds and mint leaves to garnish allow to set and soak for about an 1hr in the fridge.