Seaford Avocado Salad

1 or 2 Avocados, halved
2 cups cooked seafood cut in bite size pieces (use either crabmeat, shrimp and/or lobster)
1/4 cup finely chopped celery
2 tbls. chopped parsley
1-2 tbls. finely chopped shallots
1-2 tbls. fresh lemon and/or lime juice (according to taste)
1-2 tbls. mayonnaise
1-2 tsp. Dijon Mustard

Cut 1 or 2 avocados in half.
Remove the seed and squeeze fresh lemon or lime juice over the avocado to prevent it from turning brown.
Set aside.
You can buy fresh seafood.
Steam or grill your seafood and chill. Or you can purchase cooked seafood from the fish market.
Cut up the seafood of your choice into small bite sized pieces.
Stir in the celery, parsley, shallots.
Mix in the fresh lemon juice, mayo and mustard.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. Taste for flavor, you can add in more of an ingredient to suit your taste.
Scoop the seafood mixture into the avocado halves.
This recipe makes enough for 2 servings.
I used Y2 cup seafood salad on each avocado half and we each had a whole avocado.
Or you can make 4 servings using 112 avocado per person with a side salad.