Christmas Punch

Christmas Punch (Alcoholic or Not)

1 orange sliced
1 cup cranberries
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
2 cup cranberry juice
2 cups orange juice
1 cup pomegranate juice
2 cups Sierra Mist or Sprite
1 cup white rum optional
Rosemary for garnish

Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher or punch bowl over ice.
If using a really large punch bowl, you can double the recipe.

This punch can be made ahead of time, but don’t add the ice or soda until just before serving so as not to dilute or lose its fizz.
You can sub the lemon-lime soda for ginger ale.
You can add lemon and limes slices as well.
Keep alcohol on the side for guests to add their own and keep the punch itself kid-friendly.
I like white rum, spiced rum, whiskey, and vodka with this recipe.