Condensed Milk Marshmallow Fridge Tart

Serves 10-12
Preparation : 20 min
Chilling: 3 hours or overnight

250 ml (1 c) fresh cream, chilled
1 can (385 g) sweetened condensed milk
125 ml (1/2 c) lemon juice
25 marshmallows, cut into pieces
12 maraschino cherries, stems removed
5 ml (1 t) vanilla essence
250 ml (1 c) pecan nuts, roughly chopped
1,5 litres (6 c) crumbled meringue

Whisk the cream until soft-peak stage and set aside.
In a separate bowl mix the condensed milk, lemon juice, marshmallows, cherries and vanilla
Fold into the cream.
In individual glasses or a deep tart dish, create layers: start with a layer of marshmallow
mixture, followed by nuts then meringue.
Repeat the layers, ending with a layer of marshmallow mixture.
Garnish with the remaining meringue.
Refrigerate for a few hours or until the tart has set.