Biltong Kips with Kips Biscuits

Everyone loves biltong but there’s a way to make it even better – by adding it to beef biltong-flavoured Bakers Kips®! Make these for any event and rest assured there won’t be any leftovers.

Level EASY
Time 30 MIN
Makes 10

20 Bakers Kips® biscuits, biltong flavoured
4 slices of brown bread
50 ml Bovril or Marmite
100 g Biltong powder
100 ml butter, softened
100 g biltong, shaved
fresh thyme for garnish


  1. Place ten biscuits onto a board.
  2. On another board: Using a 3 cm round cutter, cut out 20 bread rounds.
  3. Sandwich two rounds together with Marmite or Bovril.
  4. Top the ten biscuits with a bread sandwich and then another biscuit.
  5. Spread butter around the edges and coat the stack in biltong powder.
  6. Garnish with biltong and fresh thyme. This is a great and simple canapé idea.