Custard Ginger Tarts with GingerNuts Biscuits

Custard Tarts will always be a decadent tea time treat but these are made all the more indulgent thanks to a golden, buttery crust made from Bakers GingerNuts®. This way, every bite is a little piece of ginger-infused bliss!

Time 40 MIN
Serves 6 – 8

200 g Bakers GingerNuts® biscuits
150 g butter, melted
100 ml custard powder
1 Tbsp (15 ml) milk
2 cups (500 ml) milk
50 ml sugar
1 cup (250 ml) whipped cream


  1. Preheat the oven to 180° C.
  2. Place the biscuits into a food processor and blitz to a fine crumb.
  3. Add the melted butter and mix well.
  4. Press the crumb into 8 x 6 cm round mini tartlet tins and bake for 3 minutes Set aside to cool.
  5. Mix the custard powder and a tablespoon of milk, until combined, ensuring there are no lumps.
  6. Add the 2 cups of milk and place the mixture into a medium-sized pot and heat over a low heat, stirring regularly until the mixture has thickened and comes to a gentle simmer.
  7. Set aside, cover with Clingfilm, and allow to cool.
  8. Whisk the cooled custard, and fold in the whipped cream.
  9. Fill the cooled tartlets with custard cream and top with seasonal berries of your choice