Tiramisu with Boudoir Biscuits

Did you know that “tiramisu” means pick-me-up in Italian? Maybe it’s referring to the coffee content, maybe it’s because you won’t want to put it down – much like it’s magic ingredients, our iconic Bakers Boudoir® biscuits.

Time 60 MIN
Serves 6 – 8

200 g Bakers Boudoir® biscuits
250 ml strong black coffee
65 ml brandy or coffee
liqueur (optional)
2 jumbo eggs, separated
65 ml castor sugar
10 ml vanilla essence
250 g mascarpone cheese
250 ml cream, stiffly beaten
30 ml cocoa powder


  1. Combine the coffee and brandy/coffee liqueur (if using).
  2. Dip the Bakers Boudoir® biscuits into the mixture (don’t soak them) and lay them in to the bottom of a 20 cm square dish, which has been greased.
  3. Beat the egg yolks and sugar until thick and pale.
  4. Add the vanilla and mix well. Add the mascarpone and mix lightly until just combined. Lightly fold in the beaten cream.
  5. Beat the egg whites into soft peaks and fold lightly into the mixture.
  6. Spoon the mixture onto the biscuits.
  7. Add another layer of dipped biscuits and spoon over remainder of the mixture.
  8. Chill until firm and sprinkle with cocoa powder just before serving.