Traditional South African Bobotie

This Bobotie recipe is a simple variation of the more traditional one where one uses a variety of spices. We are not a spice-loving family, so we prefer this simple version. Traditionally, this Bobotie dish is served with yellow rice and raisins, but once again, we love our normal brown rice better. And some people serve it with slices of banana. It cleans the palette after the curry taste, they say.

500g minced meat
1 thick slice of bread
250ml milk
1 onion(chopped)
37.5ml lemon juice
10ml oil
10ml curry powder
5ml salt
5ml sugar
Pinch of pepper
2 eggs
12.5ml apricot jam/jelly or chutney

Soak the bread in the milk
Brown the onion in the oil in a pan
Add the meat
Mix the lemon juice, sugar, salt, pepper and curry powder together
Add mixture to the meat
Add the bread and 150ml of the milk to the meat and press with a fork to make a fine mixture

Add one egg and the jam/jelly/chutney
Pour into an oven dish
Bake for 10 minutes at 180’C
Whisk the remaining egg and milk together
Take out the dish from the oven and pour the egg mixture on top
Bake for another 30 minutes or until firm
Garnish with lemon leaves if desired
Serve with (yellow) rice and enjoy!