Anna’s Hot Cocoa Blizzard

‘Frozen’-Inspired Hot Cocoa with REAL Chocolate

Everybody knows that one of Anna and Elsa’s favorite foods is chocolate! And considering the fact that they’re used to the cold (it never bothered Elsa, anyway!), they’re probably pretty great at making hot cocoa. Let’s check out Anna’s personal recipe!

This recipe makes four servings. To start, you’ll need the following:
4 cups milk
1/4 cup cocoa powder
3/4 cups sugar
1 chopped chocolate bar
whipped cream

After that, let’s get mixing! Here’s how you make it:
Gather cocoa powder, milk, and sugar.
In a saucepan over medium heat, whisk the mixture until warm. (Not boiling.)
Add in the chopped chocolate bar and whisk until it melts in smoothly.
Pour into your favorite mug and top with whipped cream.

Now, that’s not hard at all! In fact, you could probably “plus up” this recipe with some peppermint shavings or various flavorings/syrups.