Room Aartappels

5/6 aartappels gekook geskil en in plat skywe gesny
Mushrooms saam n gekapte ui gebraai met sout en peper
1 bakkie room
1 pakkie wit uiesop
Meng die uiesop met die room
Pak n laag aartappels in jou oondbak gooi die uie en mushrooms oor met n bietjie van die room en uiesop pak weer n laag aartappels en dan die laaste mushrooms en uie en gooi jou room en uiesop oor maak toe met foelie en bak in oond teen 180 grade vir 20 min.

Cream of Potatoes

5/6 boiled potatoes peeled and cut into flat slices
Mushrooms together with a chopped onion roasted with salt and pepper
1 bowl of cream
1 pack of white onion soup
Mix the onion soup with the cream
Pack a layer of potatoes in your oven, throw the onions and mushrooms over with a bit of the cream and onion soup, pack again a layer of potatoes and then the last of mushrooms and onions and pour your cream and onion soup over cover with foil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 min.

Bron: Die Armgat Chef.