


  • 6 groot aartappels
  • 1 ui, fyn opgekap
  • olie
  • klontjie botter
  • 125 ml room
  • ekstra melk
  • 25 g fyn biltongpoeier
  • Ina Paarman’s Chilli & Garlic speserye
  • sout na smaak
  • ekstra fyn biltong
  • gerasperde kaas


  1. Skil aartappels, sny in stukke en kook tot sag
  2. Braai intussen die fyn ui tot gaar
  3. Druk aartappels fyn en gooi klontjie botter en room wat bietjie warm gemaak is by
  4. Gebruik ekstra melk indien mengsel nog te styf is
  5. Meng aartappelmengsel met gebraaide ui, biltongpoeier, speserye en sout tot goed gemeng.
  6. Vorm molshopies en plaas in oondvaste bak
  7. Versier met gerasperde kaas en ekstra biltongpoeier
  8. Ons het dit in die mikrogolf warm gemaak net voor opdiening
  9. Baie lekker by ‘n braaivleis


Biltong Bites


  • 6 large potatoes
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • oil
  • lump of butter
  • 125 ml of cream
  • extra milk
  • 25 g fine biltong powder
  • Ina Paarman’s Chilli & Garlic spices
  • salt to taste
  • extra fine biltong
  • grated cheese


  1. Peel potatoes, cut into pieces and boil until soft
  2. Meanwhile, fry the fine onion until cooked
  3. Mash the potatoes and add a little warmed butter and cream
  4. Use extra milk if mixture is still too stiff
  5. Mix potato mixture with fried onion, biltong powder, spices and salt until well mixed
  6. Shape into mole balls and place in an ovenproof dish
  7. Garnish with grated cheese and extra biltong powder
  8. Warmed it up in the microwave just before serving
  9. Great at a braai