Bar One Chocolate Mousse

Bar One Chocolate Mousse

Serves 4

  • 4 Bar Ones
  • 150 g Marshmallows
  • 15 ml cacao
  • 100 ml milk
  1. Chop 3 1/2 Bar Ones
  2. Microwave chocolates and milk together on full power (1 000 W) for one minute
  3. Add the cacao and stir well
  4. Add the marshmallows and microwave again for another minute until the marshmallows have puffed up
  5. Mix all the ingredients together until smooth
  6. Transfer to four individual serving dishes
  7. Refrigerate to set
  8. Slice the remaining half a Bar One into eight slices
  9. Top each mousse pot with two slices of Bar One to garnish