Pynappel Kondensmelk Tert

Pynappel Kondensmelk Tert

  1. Meng 1 blik kondensmelk en 1/2 k suurlemoensap.
  2. Roer 1 blikkie fyn, dreineerde pynappel by.
  3. Klits 250 ml room styf en vou in mengsel.
  4. Skep in koekiekors en plaas in yskas tot gebruik.

English Translation

Pineapple Condensed Milk Tart

  1. Mix 1 tin condensed milk with ½ cup of lemon juice.
  2. Mix in 1 tin of pineapple crush that has been drained of the syrup.
  3. Whip 250 ml cream till stiff and fold into the mixture.
  4. Place on biscuit crust and place in fridge till ready to serve.