Grenadilla Yskas Tert

Grenadilla Yskas Tert

  • 1 Blikkie Idealmelk (yskoud laat oornag in yskas)
  • 1 Pakkie Suurlemoen Jellie
  • 1 kop Strooisuiker
  • 1 blikkie Grenadilla Moes
  • 1 kop Kookwater
  • 1 pakkie Tennis Besjuitjies


  1. Klop melk styf en voeg suiker by en grendadilla moes.
  2. Meng jellie met kookwater en laat afkoel.
  3. Voeg by die melk mengsel.
  4. Plaas tennis beskuitjies in bak.
  5. Gooi ‘n laag van die mengsel oor.
  6. Hou so aan tot verlangde dikte.
  7. Strooi beskuitjies en cherrie oor.


Grenadilla Fridge Tart

  • 1 can of Idealmilk (ice cold, leave overnight in the fridge)
  • 1 packet of Lemon Jelly
  • 1 cup Caster Sugar
  • 1 can of Grenadilla Mousse
  • 1 cup of Boiling Water
  • 1 packet of Tennis Biscuits


  1. Beat milk until stiff and add sugar and grenadillo mousse.
  2. Mix jelly with boiling water and leave to cool.
  3. Add to the milk mixture.
  4. Place tennis biscuits in bowl.
  5. Pour a layer of the mixture over.
  6. Continue like this until desired thickness.
  7. Sprinkle with biscuits and cherry.