Grenadilla Yskas Tert
- 1 Blikkie Idealmelk (yskoud laat oornag in yskas)
- 1 Pakkie Suurlemoen Jellie
- 1 kop Strooisuiker
- 1 blikkie Grenadilla Moes
- 1 kop Kookwater
- 1 pakkie Tennis Besjuitjies
- Klop melk styf en voeg suiker by en grendadilla moes.
- Meng jellie met kookwater en laat afkoel.
- Voeg by die melk mengsel.
- Plaas tennis beskuitjies in bak.
- Gooi ‘n laag van die mengsel oor.
- Hou so aan tot verlangde dikte.
- Strooi beskuitjies en cherrie oor.
Grenadilla Fridge Tart
- 1 can of Idealmilk (ice cold, leave overnight in the fridge)
- 1 packet of Lemon Jelly
- 1 cup Caster Sugar
- 1 can of Grenadilla Mousse
- 1 cup of Boiling Water
- 1 packet of Tennis Biscuits
- Beat milk until stiff and add sugar and grenadillo mousse.
- Mix jelly with boiling water and leave to cool.
- Add to the milk mixture.
- Place tennis biscuits in bowl.
- Pour a layer of the mixture over.
- Continue like this until desired thickness.
- Sprinkle with biscuits and cherry.