Klam Sjokoladekoek

Klam Sjokoladekoek


  • 2 kop koekmeel
  • ¾ kop cocoa poeier
  • 1 ½ tl bak poeier
  • 2 tl koeksoda
  • knypie sout
  • 1 kop melk
  • 1 tl vanilla essence
  • 2 kop suiker
  • ½ kop kookolie
  • 1 koppie sterk koffie (aangemaak , swart, lou afgekoel)
  • 2 eiers


  1. Voorverhit oond na 180°C.
  2. Berei 2 x +- 23cm koekpanne voor, smeer deeglik met botter
  3. In ‘n groot mengbak sif alle droe bestandele saam, voeg dan 2 koppies suiker by roer effe deur gesifte bestanddele.
  4. Voeg eiers, melk, olie en vanilla saam by droee bestanddele, meng goed met klitser vir twee minute.
  5. Voeg nou jou swart koffie by, meng goed .
  6. Verdeel nou die mengsel eweredig in jou twee voorbereide panne.
  7. Bak nou ir 35-40 min.
  8. Toets met sosatiestokkie / tandestokkie of gaar is.( prik in die middle, as hy skoon uitkom is hy gaar) verwyder van oond.
  9. Laat afkoel min 15 min in koekpan.
  10. Maak kante los met mes.
  11. Skud die pan liggies totdat jy voel jou koek is los.Laat goed afkoel.


Koffie Versiersel:

  • 6 groot eetlepels sagte botter
  • ¾ koppie kokao
  • 2 koppies versiersuiker
  • 5 tl sterk koffiepoeier
  1. Meng alles goed saam, versier koek. ( L.W. maak seker koek is goed afgekoel voor versier).
  2. Bere in koekblik wat lekker dig kan seel.
  3. Koek is altyd lekkerder as dit die vorige aand gemaak word.
  4. Gee die koek kans om te “rus”; jy sal verbaas wees die verskil aan tekstuur, smaak.


Moist Chocolate Cake


  • 2 cups cake flour
  • ¾ cup cocoa powder
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • ½ cup cooking oil
  • 1 cup of strong coffee (brewed, black, lukewarm cooled)
  • 2 eggs


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  2. Prepare 2 x +- 23cm cake pans, grease thoroughly with butter
  3. In a large mixing bowl, sift all dry ingredients together, then add 2 cups of sugar stir through sifted ingredients.
  4. Add eggs, milk, oil and vanilla to dry ingredients, mix well with a whisk for two minutes.
  5. Now add your black coffee, mix well.
  6. Now divide the mixture evenly into your two prepared pans.
  7. Bake now for 35-40 min. Test with a skewer / toothpick if done. (prick in the middle, if it comes out clean it is cooked) remove from oven.
  8. Leave to cool for at least 15 minutes in the cake pan.
  9. Loosen edges with knife.
  10. Shake the pan gently until you feel your cake is loose.
  11. Allow to cool well.


Coffee Icing:

  • 6 large tablespoons of soft butter
  • ¾ cup cocoa
  • 2 cups icing sugar
  • 5 tsp strong coffee powder
  1. Mix everything well, decorate cake. (NB. make sure cake is well cooled before decorate).
  2. Bears in a cake tin that can seal nicely.
  3. Cake is always tastier if it is made the night before.
  4. Give the cake a chance to “rest”; you will be surprised the difference in texture, taste.