Granadilla Fridge Tart

Granadilla Fridge Tart

  • 1 packet of lemon jelly
  • 1 can of ideal milk chilled
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 container granadilla pulp
  • 1 packet Tennis biscuits
  1. Make the packet of lemon jelly with 1 cup of boiling water and let it cool.
  2. Beat 1 can of ideal milk that has been chilled in the fridge until it’s nice and thick.
  3. Add ½ cup of sugar little by little while beating.
  4. Add the jelly and granadilla pulp and mix well but lightly.
  5. Pour onto tennis biscuits and refrigerate until set.
  6. Top with whipped cream or crumbled biscuits.
  7. Place in the fridge until set.