Kerrie Marinade Vir Sosaties

Kerrie Marinade Vir Sosaties

  • 8 Uie sny in ringe
  • 2 eetlepels Kerriepoeier
  • 1 e Borrie
  • 4 eetlepels Suiker
  • 2 eetlepels Maziena
  • 2 koppies Asyn
  • 2 koppies Water
  • 1 koppie Blatjang
  • 1 koppie Appelkooskonfyt
  1. Braai die uie, voeg Kerrie, Borrie, Suiker en asyn by.
  2. Meng die Maziena en water.
  3. Voeg by mengsel en bly verhit en sodra begin borrel voeg Blatjang en Appelkooskonfyt by.
  4. Kook deur en sit af.
  5. Gooi oor jou vleis en roer elke dag om.
  6. Die lekkerste is as jy dit sewe dae laat marineer.

Terloops, varkvleis maak fantastiese sosaties.
RUMPSTEAK is net so lekker.


Curry Marinade For Skewers

  • 8 Onions cut into rings
  • 2 tablespoons Curry powder
  • 1 tbsp Turmeric
  • 4 tablespoons of Sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of Maziena
  • 2 cups Vinegar
  • 2 cups of Water
  • 1 cup Chutney
  • 1 cup apricot jam
  1. Fry the onions, add Curry, Turmeric, Sugar and vinegar.
  2. Mix the Maziena and water.
  3. Add to mixture and keep heating and as soon as it starts to bubble add Chutney and Apricot jam.
  4. Cook through and set aside.
  5. Pour over your meat and stir every day.
  6. The best is if you let it marinate for seven days.

By the way, pork makes fantastic roasts.
RUMP STEAK is just as delicious.