Peppermint Crisp Yskas Tert

Peppermint Crisp Yskas Tert

Bereiding: 15 minute
Staantyd: sowat 2-3 uur
Genoeg vir 9 mense


  • 1 blikkie karamelkondensmelk
  • 250 ml vars room
  • 1 x 90-100g ‘peppermint crisp’ blok skokolade
  • 1 pakkie Tennis beskuitjies


  1. Plaas beskuitjies in tertbak geplaas word: 3 x 3 = 9 koekies
  2. Klits room tot styf.
  3. Voeg karamelkondensmelk by.
  4. Klits tot goed gemeng.
  5. Rasper sjokolade, maar hou ‘n paar groterige stukkies uit vir versiering.
  6. Meng gerasperde sjokolade by roommengsel in.
  7. Plaas weer 9 koekies oor mengsel.
  8. Gooi die res van die vulsel oor die koekies.
  9. Versier met sjokolade stukkies
  10. Laat in yskas tot styf (ongeveer 2-3 uur)


Peppermint Crisp Fridge Tart

Preparation: 15 minutes
Standing time: about 2-3 hours
Enough for 9 people


  • 1 can of caramel condensed milk
  • 250 ml fresh cream
  • 1 x 90-100g ‘peppermint crisp’ block of chocolate
  • 1 packet of Tennis biscuits


  1. Place biscuits in pie dish: 3 x 3 = 9 biscuits
  2. Whip cream until stiff.
  3. Add caramel condensed milk.
  4. Beat until well combined
  5. Grate chocolate, but keep a few larger pieces for decoration.
  6. Mix grated chocolate into cream mixture
  7. Place 9 cookies over mixture again.
  8. Pour the rest of the filling over the cookies.
  9. Decorate with chocolate pieces
  10. Leave in the fridge until firm (about 2-3 hours)