Suurlemoen Yskas Tert
- 200g Tennisbeskuitjies
- 90g botter
- Breek jou koekies fyn en voeg botter by en pak in bak om kors te maak.
- PS: Smeer net jou bak dat dit nie vaskleef.
- 1 pakkie suurlemoen jellie
halwe koppie kookwater
- 1 blikkie ingedampte melk
- 1 Eetlepel strooisuiker
- Meng jellie en kookwater en plaas eenkant sodat dit bietjie kan afkoel.
- In ‘n aparte bak klits jou strooisuiker en ingedampte melk saam met ‘n elektriese klitser.
- Sodra dit lekker lig is , voeg jou jellie mengsel by , bietjies op ‘n slag terwyl jy nog klits met jou elektriese menger.
- Skep mengsel bo-op jou kors en plaas in yskas vir 3-4 ure.
Lemon Fridge Tart
- 200g Tennis biscuits
- 90g butter
- Crush your cookies and add butter and pack into a bowl to make a crust.
- PS: Just grease your bowl so it doesn’t stick.
- 1 packet of lemon jelly
- half a cup of boiling water
- 1 can of evaporated milk
- 1 Tablespoon of caster sugar
- Mix jelly and boiling water and set aside to cool a bit.
- In a separate bowl, beat your caster sugar and evaporated milk together with an electric beater.
- Once it is nice and light, add your jelly mixture, a little at a time while you are still beating with your electric mixer.
- Spoon mixture on top of your crust and place in fridge for 3-4 hours.