Room Spinasie

Room Spinasie

  • 1 bossie spinasie
  • 15ml botter
  • 125ml room of joghurt
  • 1 desert lepel suiker
  • ‘n knippie van elk: sout, peper en neutmuskaat
  • 15ml suurlemoensap
  1. Was die spinasie deeglik af in ‘n groot wasbak vol water.
  2. Kerf fyn. Smelt die botter in ‘n middelgroot swaarboomkastrol.
  3. Gooi die nat, gekerfde spinasie in die bottter en roerbraai tot net verlep.
  4. Voeg die room by en laat vinnig kook om die vog in te damp en geur te konsentreer.
  5. Geur met sout, peper, neut, suurlemoensap en suiker.


Creamed Spinach

  • 1 bunch of spinach
  • 15ml butter
  • 125ml cream or yoghurt
  • 1 dessert spoon of sugar
  • A pinch of each: salt, pepper and nutmeg
  • 15ml lemon juice
  1. Wash the spinach thoroughly in a large sink full of water.
  2. Carve finely.
  3. Melt the butter in a medium-sized heavy-bottomed saucepan.
  4. Pour the wet, chopped spinach into the butter and stir-fry until just wilted.
  5. Add the cream and bring to a rapid boil to evaporate the moisture and concentrate the flavour.
  6. Season with salt, pepper, nutmeg, lemon juice and sugar.