Tuna Spaghetti

Tuna Spaghetti

  • halwe pak rou spaghetti
  • 600 ml melk
  • 1 pakkie sampioensoppoeier
  • 1 blikkie tuna, gedreineer
  • 500 ml gerasperde kaas
  1. Kook spaghetti in soutwater tot sag.
  2. Dreineer en hou warm.
  3. Berei die sous voor terwyl die spaghetti kook.
  4. Bring die melk en soppoeier tot kookpunt in ’n groot kastrol oor matige hitte en roer aanhoudend tot dit kook.
  5. Roer die gedreineerde tuna saam met 250ml van die kaas by.
  6. Voeg die sous by die spaghetti en meng.
  7. Skep dit in ‘n oondvaste bak.
  8. Sprinkel die oorblywende kaas oor.
  9. Plaas dit vir ‘n paar minute onder ‘n warm oondrooster totdat die kaas gesmelt het.


Tuna Spaghetti

  • half a pack of raw spaghetti
  • 600 ml of milk
  • 1 packet of mushroom soup powder
  • 1 can of tuna, drained
  • 500 ml grated cheese
  1. Cook spaghetti in salted water until tender.
  2. Drain and keep warm.
  3. Prepare the sauce while the spaghetti is cooking.
  4. Bring the milk and soup powder to the boil in a large saucepan over medium heat and stir constantly until it boils.
  5. Stir in the drained tuna together with 250ml of the cheese.
  6. Add the sauce to the spaghetti and mix.
  7. Scoop it into an ovenproof bowl.
  8. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
  9. Place it under a hot oven grill for a few minutes until the cheese has melted.