Bladjang Hoender

Bladjang Hoender

  • 1 Pak (2kg) Hoenderstukke
  • 1 Koppie Bladjang
  • 1 Koppie Mayonnaise
  • Sout en Peper
  1. Spice die hoender en bak in die oond tot amper gaar.
  2. Meng die res van die bestanddele en gooi dit oor die hoender.
  3. Sit foil oor en bak vir ‘n uur in oond by 180°C.


Chutney Chicken

  • 1 Pack (2kg) Chicken pieces
  • 1 Cup of Lettuce
  • 1 Cup of Mayonnaise
  • Salt and Pepper
  1. Season the chicken and bake in the oven until almost cooked.
  2. Mix the rest of the ingredients and pour it over the chicken.
  3. Put foil over and bake for an hour in the oven at 180°C.