Macaroni en Kaas

Macaroni en Kaas

  • 500g macaroni
  • Bacon (soveel soos jy daarvan hou mushrooms
  • Uie fyn gesny
  • Gerasperde kaas
  • Pakkie potato bak
  • 1 varsroom
  • Bietjie melk
  1. Braai uie.
  2. Dan bacon by.
  3. Gooi dan mushrooms by.
  4. Maak macaroni gaar.
  5. Gooi helfte macaroni in bak.
  6. Dan helfte bacon en mushrooms.
  7. Gooi dan helfre gerasperde kaas oor.
  8. Gooi dan res van macaroni bo oor.
  9. Dan laaste bacon.
  10. Meng room en potato bake met bietjie melk by.
  11. Gooi oor macaroni.
  12. Dan laaste kaas.
  13. Bak in oond vir 25 -30 min op 180 grade.


Macaroni and Cheese

  • 500g macaroni
  • Bacon (as much as you like mushrooms
  • Onions finely chopped
  • Grated cheese
  • Package of potato bake
  • 1 fresh cream
  • A little milk
  1. Fry onions.
  2. Then add bacon.
  3. Then add mushrooms.
  4. Cook macaroni.
  5. Pour half macaroni into bowl.
  6. Then half bacon and mushrooms.
  7. Then pour over half of grated cheese.
  8. Then pour the rest of the macaroni on top.
  9. Then last bacon.
  10. Mix cream and potato bake with a little milk.
  11. Pour over macaroni.
  12. Then last cheese.
  13. Bake in oven for 25 -30 min at 180 degrees.