Peppermint Poeding

Peppermint Poeding

Genoeg vir 4 mense
Bereiding: 20 min.
Verkoel: 2 uur

  • 1 pakkie (200 g) Tennis-koekies
  • 60 ml (¼ k) Amarula-likeur
  • 2 blikke (360 g elk) karamelkondensmelk
  • 375 ml (1½ k) room
  • 90 g Peppermint Crisp-sjokolade, fyngedruk


  1. Plaas die koekies in ’n plastieksak saam met die helfte van die likeur, verseël en druk met ’n koekroller fyn.
  2. Plaas die karamelkondensmelk in ’n mengbak.
  3. Klits die room tot stywe punte vorm en vou dit saam met die oorblywende likeur by die karamel in.
  4. Vou 60 g van die pepermentsjokolade in.
  5. Strooi die koekiekrummels in vier afsonderlike bakkies of glase en bedek met die karamel.
  6. Herhaal die lae en eindig met karamel bo-op.
  7. Strooi die oorblywende pepermentsjokolade bo-oor.
  8. Verkoel 2 uur in die koelkas.
  9. Sit voor saam met room, as jy wil.


Peppermint Pudding

Enough for 4 people
Preparation: 20 min.
Refrigerate: 2 hours

  • 1 packet (200 g) Tennis biscuits
  • 60 ml (¼ k) Amarula liqueur
  • 2 cans (360 g each) caramel condensed milk
  • 375 ml (1½ k) cream
  • 90 g Peppermint Crisp chocolate, crushed


  1. Place the cookies in a plastic bag with half of the liqueur, seal and crush with a rolling pin.
  2. Place the caramel condensed milk in a mixing bowl.
  3. Whip the cream until stiff peaks form and fold it into the caramel along with the remaining liqueur.
  4. Fold in 60 g of the peppermint chocolate.
  5. Scatter the cookie crumbs into four separate bowls or glasses and cover with the caramel.
  6. Repeat the layers and finish with caramel on top.
  7. Sprinkle the remaining peppermint chocolate over the top.
  8. Chill for 2 hours in the refrigerator.
  9. Serve with cream, if desired.