


  • 1 Koppie Meel
  • 1 1/2 E Botter
  • ‘n Knippie sout
  • 5 Koppies melk


  1. Vryf die botter by die meel in en voeg die knippie sout hierby.
  2. Bring die melk tot kookpunt op die plaat en voeg die botter en meel mengsel bietjie op ‘n slag by.
  3. Draai die plaat tot op ‘n lae hitte en kook vir omtrent 5 minute terwyl jy dit baie gereeld roer.
  4. Sprinkel kaneelsuiker bo-oor die melkkos en eet warm.
  5. Moenie die botter bo-oor vergeet nie !


Milk Food


  • 1 Cup of Flour
  • 1 1/2 T Butter
  • A pinch of salt
  • 5 cups of milk


  1. Rub the butter into the flour and add the pinch of salt.
  2. Bring the milk to the boil on the plate and add the butter and flour mixture a little at a time.
  3. Turn the plate down to a low heat and cook for about 5 minutes while stirring it very often.
  4. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top of the milk food and eat warm.
  5. Don’t forget the butter on top!