Knoffelrolletjie Kaaspot
- winkel deeg
- olie
- tamatie puree
- knoffel
- olie
- sout
- peper
- gaar mince
- Smeer pot met olie eers.
- Met winkel deeg.
- Rol die deeg in bolletjies en pak in die pot.
- Sit deksel op en laat hom rus iewers warm vir 2-3 uur.
- Maak mengsel van tamatie puree, garlic, olie, sout, peper en smeer die gerysde bolletjies lekker nat.
- Gooi kaas gemeng met gaar mince bo oor.
- Mak soos potbrood.
Garlic Roll Cheese Pot
- store dough
- oil
- tomato puree
- garlic
- oil
- salt
- pepper
- cooked mince
- Grease pot with oil first.
- With shop dough.
- Roll the dough into balls and pack in the pot.
- Put the lid on and let it rest somewhere warm for 2-3 hours.
- Make a mixture of tomato puree, garlic, oil, salt, pepper and spread the riced balls nicely wet.
- Pour cheese mixed with cooked mince on top.
- Soft as pot bread.