

  • 5 kopppies meel
  • 1 pakkie droe gis
  • 3 koppies louwarm water
  • 1e olyfolie
  • 1/2t sout
  • 1e suiker
  1. Los die gis, olie, en suiker op in 1k water.
  2. Voeg die droe bestandele bymekaar in n mengbak en maak gaatjie in die middel.
  3. Giet die koppie water by en meng deur.
  4. Gooi gedurig water by tot jy n gladde deegmengsel het.
  5. Op n gemeelde oppervlak, bewerk die deeg vir 8 tot 10 minute.
  6. Sit in gesmeerde bak en laat rys tot dubbel die grootte. (45 min tot 1 uur)
  7. Klop deeg af en rol uit.
  8. Sny in blokke en laat staan vir 10 min.
  9. Bak in matige olie tot ligbruin.
  10. Draai gedurig om. (As die vetkoek swaar voel wanneer jy hom uithaal is hy nog rou binne.)
  11. Die groot geheim is om die boonste deel van die deeg soos hy op die blad lê, ondertoe in die olie te sit.



  • 5 cups of flour
  • 1 packet of dry yeast
  • 3 cups lukewarm water
  • 1st olive oil
  • 1/2t salt
  • 1st sugar
  1. Dissolve the yeast, oil, and sugar in 1 cup of water.
  2. Add the dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl and make a hole in the middle.
  3. Add the cup of water and mix.
  4. Add water constantly until you have a smooth dough mixture.
  5. On a floured surface, work the dough for 8 to 10 minutes.
  6. Place in greased bowl and let rise until doubled in size. (45 min to 1 hour)
  7. Knock down dough and roll out.
  8. Cut into blocks and let stand for 10 min.
  9. Fry in moderate oil until light brown.
  10. Turn constantly. (If the fat cake feels heavy when you take it out, it is still raw inside.)
  11. The big secret is to put the upper part of the dough as it lies on the sheet, downwards in the oil.