Korslose Ongebakte Melktert

Korslose Ongebakte Melktert

  • 1,5 l melk
  • 4 eiers
  • 250ml suiker
  • Sout
  • 5ml vanilla essens
  • 150ml mielieblom (Mazeina)
  • 125ml koekmeel
  • Kaneel
  1. Laat melk stadig opkom tot kook.
  2. Terwyl melk aangaan – klits eiers en suiker tot sponsagtig dik en lig.
  3. Gooi sout, vanilla, mielieblom en meelblom by eiermengsel en klits goed saam tot glad.
  4. Wanneer melk kook, draai af na lae hitte, gooi eiermengsel by en roer aanhoudend.
  5. Laat dit goed maar stadig deurkook en roer aanhoudend.
  6. Wanneer klaar deur gekook is, as daar klontjies is is, klits vinnig weer deur en gooi in bak.
  7. Sprinkel kaneel bo oor en laat afkoel.
  8. Laat natturlik afkoel voor dit in yskas gesit word, anders “sweet” die kaneel af.
  9. Lekker eet.


Crustless Unbaked Milk Tart

  • 1.5 l of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 250ml sugar
  • Salt
  • 5ml vanilla essence
  • 150ml cornflour (Mazeina)
  • 125ml cake flour
  • Cinnamon
  1. Let milk slowly come to a boil.
  2. While milk is going on – beat eggs and sugar until spongy and light.
  3. Add salt, vanilla, cornstarch and flour to the egg mixture and beat well until smooth.
  4. When milk boils, turn down to low heat, add egg mixture and stir constantly.
  5. Let it cook well but slowly and stir constantly.
  6. When finished cooking, if there are lumps, quickly whisk again and pour into bowl.
  7. Sprinkle cinnamon on top and let cool.
  8. Leave to cool before putting in the fridge, otherwise the cinnamon will “sweat” off.
  9. Enjoy the meal