Peppermint Crisp Tert

Peppermint Crisp Tert

  • 250 ml (1 k) vars room
  • 397 g (1 blik) karamel-kondensmelk
  • 3 x 49 g Peppermint Crisp-sjokolade
  • 200 g (1 pakkie) Tea Lover’s-koekies


  1. Klits die room styf.
  2. Voeg die kondensmelk en die helfte van die fyngemaakte sjokolade by en roer liggies.
  3. Moet dit nie weer klits nie, want dan sal die room loperig raak en nie behoorlik set nie.
  4. Sit die koekies in ’n verwerker en blits tot dit soos broodkrummels is.
  5. Maak ’n laag van koekiekrummels in jou gekose bak.
  6. Versprei die helfte van die kondensmelk en dan roommengsel oor die koekies en bestrooi met ’n bietjie sjokolade.
  7. Sit nog ’n laag koekiekrummels, kondensmelk en room en bedek met die oorblywende sjokolade.
  8. Verkoel minstens 6 uur sodat dit kan afkoel en set.

Wenk: Jy kan die koekies heel hou – om die mooi wit bolaat te kry kan jy ‘n gedeelte room met die kondensmelk meng vir die middle lag (want dit smeer makliker) en die boonste lag eers die kondensmelk mengsel sit en dan room bo-op)


Peppermint Crisp Tart

  • 250 ml (1 k) fresh cream
  • 397 g (1 tin) caramel condensed milk
  • 3 x 49g Peppermint Crisp Chocolate
  • 200 g (1 packet) Tea Lover’s biscuits


  1. Whip the cream stiffly.
  2. Add the condensed milk and half of the crushed chocolate and stir gently.
  3. Do not beat it again, because then the cream will become runny and not set properly.
  4. Put the cookies in a processor and blitz until they are like breadcrumbs.
  5. Make a layer of cookie crumbs in your chosen bowl.
  6. Spread half of the condensed milk and then cream mixture over the cookies and sprinkle with a little chocolate.
  7. Put another layer of cookie crumbs, condensed milk and cream and cover with the remaining chocolate.
  8. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours so it can cool and set.

Tip: You can keep the cookies whole – to get the nice white topping, you can mix a portion of cream with the condensed milk for the middle layer (because it spreads easier) and the upper layer first put the condensed milk mixture and then cream on top on)