Bolletjies – Barefoot Stiletto Keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:28:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bolletjies – Barefoot Stiletto 32 32 Potatobake Bolletjies Thu, 04 Apr 2024 00:28:20 +0000 Potatobake Bolletjies 1 sakkie vetkoekdeeg (Spar) 1 pk (250g) bacon 2 kp gerasperde kaas 1 […]

Potatobake Bolletjies

  • 1 sakkie vetkoekdeeg (Spar)
  • 1 pk (250g) bacon
  • 2 kp gerasperde kaas
  • 1 pk potatobake
  • 250 ml room
  • 250 ml melk
  1. Knie bacon en 1kp kaas in die deeg in.
  2. Maak die room, melk en potatobake (bacon flavour) aan en gooi die helfde onder in n gesmeerde broodpan.
  3. Rol bolletjies en pak hulle styf teenmekaar in die pan.
  4. Strooi 2de kp kaas oor.
  5. Gooi die laaste potatobake mengsel oor die bolletjies.
  6. Bak in n voorverhitte 180C oond vir 25min / tot goudbruin en gaar.
    ( Het my resep 2x aangemaak) en in oondpan gebak! Pasop net dit rys baie!!


Potatobake Dumplings

  • 1 bag fatkoek dough (Spar)
  • 1 pk (250g) bacon
  • 2 tbsp grated cheese
  • 1 pk potato bake
  • 250 ml of cream
  • 250 ml of milk
  1. Knead bacon and 1 tbsp of cheese into the dough.
  2. Make the cream, milk and potatobake (bacon flavour) and pour the bottom half into a greased bread pan.
  3. Roll balls and pack them tightly together in the pan.
  4. Sprinkle 2nd tbsp cheese over.
  5. Pour the last potato bake mixture over the balls.
  6. Bake in a preheated 180C oven for 25 minutes / until golden brown and cooked.
    (Made my recipe twice) and baked in an oven pan! Just be careful it rises a lot!!