Fridge Tart – Barefoot Stiletto Keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars Thu, 07 Mar 2024 02:13:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fridge Tart – Barefoot Stiletto 32 32 Granadilla Fridge Tart Thu, 29 Feb 2024 21:17:50 +0000 Granadilla Fridge Tart 1 packet of lemon jelly 1 can of ideal milk chilled ½ […]

Granadilla Fridge Tart

  • 1 packet of lemon jelly
  • 1 can of ideal milk chilled
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 container granadilla pulp
  • 1 packet Tennis biscuits
  1. Make the packet of lemon jelly with 1 cup of boiling water and let it cool.
  2. Beat 1 can of ideal milk that has been chilled in the fridge until it’s nice and thick.
  3. Add ½ cup of sugar little by little while beating.
  4. Add the jelly and granadilla pulp and mix well but lightly.
  5. Pour onto tennis biscuits and refrigerate until set.
  6. Top with whipped cream or crumbled biscuits.
  7. Place in the fridge until set.
Grenadella Yskas Tert Thu, 29 Feb 2024 20:46:11 +0000 Grenadella Yskas Tert 1 blik 410g Ideal melk ½ kop. strooisuiker 1 blik grenadellamoes 1 […]

Grenadella Yskas Tert

  • 1 blik 410g Ideal melk
  • ½ kop. strooisuiker
  • 1 blik grenadellamoes
  • 1 pakkie lemoenjellie
  • 1 pakkie (200g ) Tennis beskuitjies
  • 1 kop. kookwater
  1. Maak jellie aan met kookwater en laat afkoel.
  2. Klop verkoelde melk tot styf.
  3. Vou suiker geleidelik by.
  4. Klop goed.
  5. Voeg moes en jellie by.
  6. Klop tot romerig.
  7. Pak laag beskuitjies en gooi laag vulsel.
  8. Herhaal tot klaar.
  9. Plaas in yskas.


Granadilla Fridge Tart

  • 1 tin 410g Ideal milk
  • ½ head. caster sugar
  • 1 can of granadilla mousse
  • 1 packet of orange jelly
  • 1 packet (200g) Tennis biscuits
  • 1 head. boiling water
  1. Prepare jelly with boiling water and let cool.
  2. Whisk chilled milk until stiff.
  3. Add sugar gradually.
  4. Beat well.
  5. Add must and jelly.
  6. Beat until creamy.
  7. Pack a layer of biscuits and pour a layer of filling.
  8. Repeat until finished.
  9. Place in refrigerator.
Piesang Yskas Tert Thu, 29 Feb 2024 20:43:06 +0000 Piesang Yskas Tert 1/2 pakkie tennisbeskuitjies in melk geweek. Net todat dit klam is. 1/2 […]

Piesang Yskas Tert

  • 1/2 pakkie tennisbeskuitjies in melk geweek. Net todat dit klam is.
  • 1/2 kop. suurlemoensap.
  • 6 piesangs.
  • 1 blik kondensmelk.
  • ( 1 pint ) dik vla, gemaak van 1 pint melk met 2 eetl hoogvol vlapoeier.
  1. Pak geweekte beskuitjies in bak.
  2. Sny piesangs bo – oor.
  3. Meng suurlemoensap en gekondenseerde melk en giet oor piesangs.
  4. Giet dik vla oor.
  5. Krummel van die tennisbeskuitjies bo – oor.
  6. Sit in yskas.
  7. Kan ook met geklopte room bedien word.


Banana Fridge Tart

  • 1/2 packet of tennis crackers soaked in milk. Just until it’s moist.
  • 1/2 head. lemon juice.
  • 6 bananas.
  • 1 tin of condensed milk.
  • ( 1 pint ) thick custard, made from 1 pint of milk with 2 tbsp full of custard powder.
  1. Pack soaked biscuits into bowl.
  2. Slice bananas across the top.
  3. Mix lemon juice and condensed milk and pour over bananas.
  4. Pour over thick custard.
  5. Crumb of the tennis biscuits on top.
  6. Put in fridge.
  7. Can also served with whipped cream.
Suurlemoen Yskas Tert Thu, 29 Feb 2024 20:37:54 +0000 Suurlemoen Yskas Tert Kors: 200g Tennisbeskuitjies 90g botter Breek jou koekies fyn en voeg botter […]

Suurlemoen Yskas Tert


  • 200g Tennisbeskuitjies
  • 90g botter
  • Breek jou koekies fyn en voeg botter by en pak in bak om kors te maak.
  • PS: Smeer net jou bak dat dit nie vaskleef.


  • 1 pakkie suurlemoen jellie
  • halwe koppie kookwater

  • 1 blikkie ingedampte melk
  • 1 Eetlepel strooisuiker
  1. Meng jellie en kookwater en plaas eenkant sodat dit bietjie kan afkoel.
  2. In ‘n aparte bak klits jou strooisuiker en ingedampte melk saam met ‘n elektriese klitser.
  3. Sodra dit lekker lig is , voeg jou jellie mengsel by , bietjies op ‘n slag terwyl jy nog klits met jou elektriese menger.
  4. Skep mengsel bo-op jou kors en plaas in yskas vir 3-4 ure.


Lemon Fridge Tart


  • 200g Tennis biscuits
  • 90g butter
  • Crush your cookies and add butter and pack into a bowl to make a crust.
  • PS: Just grease your bowl so it doesn’t stick.


  • 1 packet of lemon jelly
  • half a cup of boiling water
  • 1 can of evaporated milk
  • 1 Tablespoon of caster sugar
  1. Mix jelly and boiling water and set aside to cool a bit.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat your caster sugar and evaporated milk together with an electric beater.
  3. Once it is nice and light, add your jelly mixture, a little at a time while you are still beating with your electric mixer.
  4. Spoon mixture on top of your crust and place in fridge for 3-4 hours.
Peppermint Crisp Yskas Tert Thu, 29 Feb 2024 20:33:11 +0000 Peppermint Crisp Yskas Tert Bereiding: 15 minute Staantyd: sowat 2-3 uur Genoeg vir 9 mense […]

Peppermint Crisp Yskas Tert

Bereiding: 15 minute
Staantyd: sowat 2-3 uur
Genoeg vir 9 mense


  • 1 blikkie karamelkondensmelk
  • 250 ml vars room
  • 1 x 90-100g ‘peppermint crisp’ blok skokolade
  • 1 pakkie Tennis beskuitjies


  1. Plaas beskuitjies in tertbak geplaas word: 3 x 3 = 9 koekies
  2. Klits room tot styf.
  3. Voeg karamelkondensmelk by.
  4. Klits tot goed gemeng.
  5. Rasper sjokolade, maar hou ‘n paar groterige stukkies uit vir versiering.
  6. Meng gerasperde sjokolade by roommengsel in.
  7. Plaas weer 9 koekies oor mengsel.
  8. Gooi die res van die vulsel oor die koekies.
  9. Versier met sjokolade stukkies
  10. Laat in yskas tot styf (ongeveer 2-3 uur)


Peppermint Crisp Fridge Tart

Preparation: 15 minutes
Standing time: about 2-3 hours
Enough for 9 people


  • 1 can of caramel condensed milk
  • 250 ml fresh cream
  • 1 x 90-100g ‘peppermint crisp’ block of chocolate
  • 1 packet of Tennis biscuits


  1. Place biscuits in pie dish: 3 x 3 = 9 biscuits
  2. Whip cream until stiff.
  3. Add caramel condensed milk.
  4. Beat until well combined
  5. Grate chocolate, but keep a few larger pieces for decoration.
  6. Mix grated chocolate into cream mixture
  7. Place 9 cookies over mixture again.
  8. Pour the rest of the filling over the cookies.
  9. Decorate with chocolate pieces
  10. Leave in the fridge until firm (about 2-3 hours)
Grenadilla Yskas Tert Sun, 18 Feb 2024 04:17:35 +0000 Grenadilla Yskas Tert 1 Blikkie Idealmelk (yskoud laat oornag in yskas) 1 Pakkie Suurlemoen Jellie […]

Grenadilla Yskas Tert

  • 1 Blikkie Idealmelk (yskoud laat oornag in yskas)
  • 1 Pakkie Suurlemoen Jellie
  • 1 kop Strooisuiker
  • 1 blikkie Grenadilla Moes
  • 1 kop Kookwater
  • 1 pakkie Tennis Besjuitjies


  1. Klop melk styf en voeg suiker by en grendadilla moes.
  2. Meng jellie met kookwater en laat afkoel.
  3. Voeg by die melk mengsel.
  4. Plaas tennis beskuitjies in bak.
  5. Gooi ‘n laag van die mengsel oor.
  6. Hou so aan tot verlangde dikte.
  7. Strooi beskuitjies en cherrie oor.


Grenadilla Fridge Tart

  • 1 can of Idealmilk (ice cold, leave overnight in the fridge)
  • 1 packet of Lemon Jelly
  • 1 cup Caster Sugar
  • 1 can of Grenadilla Mousse
  • 1 cup of Boiling Water
  • 1 packet of Tennis Biscuits


  1. Beat milk until stiff and add sugar and grenadillo mousse.
  2. Mix jelly with boiling water and leave to cool.
  3. Add to the milk mixture.
  4. Place tennis biscuits in bowl.
  5. Pour a layer of the mixture over.
  6. Continue like this until desired thickness.
  7. Sprinkle with biscuits and cherry.
Grenadella Yskastert Tue, 06 Feb 2024 07:41:36 +0000 Grenadella Yskastert 1 blik 410g Ideal melk ½ kop. strooisuiker 1 blik grenadellamoes 1 pakkie […]

Grenadella Yskastert

  • 1 blik 410g Ideal melk
  • ½ kop. strooisuiker
  • 1 blik grenadellamoes
  • 1 pakkie lemoenjellie
  • 1 pakkie (200g ) Tennis beskuitjies
  • 1 kop. kookwater
  1. Maak jellie aan met kookwater en laat afkoel.
  2. Klop verkoelde melk tot styf. Vou suiker geleidelik by.
  3. Klop goed.
  4. Voeg moes en jellie by.
  5. Klop tot romerig.
  6. Pak laag beskuitjies en gooi laag vulsel.
  7. Herhaal tot klaar.
  8. Rasper beskuitjies en strooi bo-oor.
  9. Plaas in yskas.


Passion Fruit Fridge Tart

  • 1 tin 410g Ideal milk
  • ½ cup caster sugar
  • 1 can of granadilla mousse
  • 1 packet of orange jelly
  • 1 packet (200g) Tennis biscuits
  • 1 cup boiling water
  1. Prepare jelly with boiling water and let cool.
  2. Whisk chilled milk until stiff.
  3. Add sugar gradually.
  4. Beat well.
  5. Add mouse and jelly.
  6. Beat until creamy.
  7. Pack a layer of biscuits and pour a layer of filling.
  8. Repeat until finished.
  9. Grate crackers and sprinkle on top.
  10. Place in refrigerator.
Condensed Milk Lemon Tart | Kondensmelk Yskas Suurlemoentert Thu, 04 Jan 2024 07:33:21 +0000 Condensed Milk Lemon Tart | Kondensmelk Yskas Suurlemoentert Maak So: Maak beskuitjie kors van Tenniskoekies. […]

Condensed Milk Lemon Tart |
Kondensmelk Yskas Suurlemoentert

Maak So:

  1. Maak beskuitjie kors van Tenniskoekies.
  2. Druk in tertbak vas.
  3. Maak 1 pakkie suurlemoen jellie aan met 1 k kookwater en laat afkoel.
  4. Roer 1 blik kondensmelk en 1 blikkie grenadillamoes by en ook 50 ml suurlemoensap.
  5. Meng deur en skep op beskuitjiekors.
  6. Plaas in yskas.


Condensed Milk Lemon Tart

To Make:

  1. Make biscuit crust from Tennis biscuits.
  2. Press in pie dish.
  3. Make 1 packet of lemon jelly with 1 cup boiling water and let it cool.
  4. Stir 1 tin of condensed milk and 1 tin of grenadilla pulp and add 50 ml of lemon juice.
  5. Mix well and pour onto biscuit crust.
  6. Place in the fridge.
Grenadella Yskastert Wed, 11 Jan 2023 05:39:34 +0000 Grenadella Yskastert Bestanddele: 1 blik 410g Ideal melk ½ kop. strooisuiker 1 blik grenadellamoes 1 […]

Grenadella Yskastert


  • 1 blik 410g Ideal melk
  • ½ kop. strooisuiker
  • 1 blik grenadellamoes
  • 1 pakkie lemoenjellie
  • 1 pakkie (200g ) Tennis beskuitjies
  • 1 kop. kookwater


  1. Maak jellie aan met kookwater en laat afkoel.
  2. Klop verkoelde melk tot styf.
  3. Vou suiker geleidelik by.
  4. Klop goed.
  5. Voeg moes en jellie by.
  6. Klop tot romerig.
  7. Pak laag beskuitjies en gooi laag vulsel.
  8. Herhaal tot klaar.
  9. Plaas in yskas.
Amarula Yskastert Wed, 11 Jan 2023 04:28:56 +0000 Amarula Yskastert Of dit nou winter of somer is, hierdie resep is ʼn treffer! Lewer […]

Amarula Yskastert

Of dit nou winter of somer is, hierdie resep is ʼn treffer!
Lewer 12 porsies



  • 200 g karamelgeur Romany Creams, fyngemaak
  • 75 ml Clover Mooirivier-botter, gesmelt


  • 10 ml gelatien
  • 45 ml water
  • 250 Clover- vars room
  • 500 g roomkaas
  • 385 g Clover-kondensmelk
  • 5 ml koffiepoeier
  • 15 ml kookwater
  • 45 ml Amarula-likeur
  • 180 g melksjokolade
  • 1 Flake-sjokoladestafie, gekrummel


  1. Meng die fyngemaakte koekies en gesmelte botter.
  2. Druk dit vas op die bodem van ’n 22 cm-tertbord of in ’n reghoekige tertbak van ongeveer 20 cm x 30 cm wat met botter gesmeer is.
  3. Strooi die gelatien oor die 45 ml (3 e) water en laat dit staan tot sponserig.
  4. Smelt dit oor kookwater of mikrogolf dit vir ’n paar sekondes.
    Die gelatien mag nie kook nie.
  5. Klits die room styf en vou dit by die roomkaas.
  6. Roer die kondensmelk by.
  7. Meng die koffiepoeier en kookwater.
  8. Roer die likeur by en roer dit by die roomkaasmengsel.
  9. Roer die gesmelte gelatienmengsel geleidelik by die roomkaasmengse.
  10. Smelt die sjokolade oor kookwater.
  11. Laat dit effens afkoel en roer dit dan vinnig by die roomkaasmengsel tot gemeng.
  12. Skep die vulsel op die kors en laat dit oornag in die yskas staan.
  13. Strooi die Flake-sjokolade oor die tert voor